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Oh! what a year it has been. The war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, rising inflation, recessionary fears in the UK and USA while the Sensex and Nifty hit an all-time high, the FIFA world cup in Quatar, the protests in China and much more. It has been a year of events and learnings. While the world was dealing with the above, here is what I was reading  >>


Hello people! I hope you and your loved ones are well. The year is closing and I have a few books to share with you. Some books were digital copies so they did not find a place on the puny little stack on that corner of my table. However, this year had a lot to teach, and here I am trying to give you a glimpse of what I learned behind and beyond the covers. Suggestions welcome. 

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Hey there! Here are a list and a brief explanation of some books I have read this past year 2020. Something I have been contemplating doing for a long time with a paucity of motivation. Anyway here it is and I'm glad I did this, for it's like putting your pencil through the reel hole, rotating it backward, and playing the audio cassette all over again. Let me know what you think!

Book recommendations are always welcome. :)

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